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Natural Cancer care -Acupuncture Recall Healing & More

According to the Canadian cancer society, about 1 in 2 Canadians will develop cancer in their lifetimes, and 1 in 4 will die of the disease. Although cancer diagnosis in many cases is connected in our mind to “a death row sentence,” 60% of Canadians diagnosed with cancer will survive at least five years after their diagnosis. This article aims to explore some effective natural cancer treatment options, such as using Acupuncture for treating Cancer or Recall Healing. We will also discuss how to best receive a cancer diagnosis and a natural way of dealing with the medical treatment’s side effects for cancer.

Disclaimer: We do not encourage anyone to stop or replace any medical protocol, treatment or advice given by your physician. All of our suggestions are recommended in addition to conventional medicine and not instead of it.


What is the Emotional Reason Behind Cancer?

Many ask what causes cancer? It is a fundamental question, which is necessary to understand how to heal from cancer.

Here are some of the common answers:

– Unhealthy diet, mainly processed foods
– Genetic reasons
– Radiation
– Carcinogenic Chemicals
– Hormones
– Unhealthy lifestyle: Lack of exercise and sleep, excess stress

– The emotional conflicts in our subconscious: In Recall healing, we can relate different emotional conflicts to other kinds of cancer. Recall Healing’s approach suggests that cancer is not a mistake or a malfunctioning of the body but a built-in, natural response to biological conflicts that our brain may perceive as a risk for our survival. (Read more about it in the article).

A Biological Conflict vs. a Psychological Conflict

It is essential to understand the difference between a biological conflict according to Recall Healing and a psychological conflict. If not solved, a biological conflict may create a disease, while an emotional conflict will create uncomfortable emotions. A biological conflict is a state in which a person (or animal) faces a danger of survival to themselves and their offspring and can’t do anything to solve it.

For example, there is a difference between the psychological, mental or emotional pattern of “My mother doesn’t love me,” which is potentially unpleasant, and the biological conflict of “My mother doesn’t love me, and I won’t have any protection and food. Therefore I’ll die.”

How Can a Biological Conflict Cause Cancer?

The biological conflict goes straight into our survival brain, which must come up with an immediate solution. For instance, an example of that is the biological reason for a specific type of breast cancer. A female wolf is worried for her cubs because of many predators coming close to her den. It creates a conflict of survival for her cubs and assists her; her brain will multiply her milk glands’ cells to produce more milk for her cubs. So with this innate survival mechanism, they can grow faster and have a greater chance of overcoming the threat (safely leaving the den). From a medical-point-of-view, she has breast cancer (Lobular Carcinoma), but from her biological brain-point-of-view, she maximizes the possibility of saving her cubs. Other types of breast cancer have different conflicts.

In humans, the biological conflict can be real, imaginary or symbolic. A mother’s need to protect her child can be one cause for Lobular Carcinoma breast cancer, but it can also be projected as worry for her husband, pet, or parents that she symbolically wants to protect. The mind may create a conflict with a “child-like-protection,” let us say her business.

Healing the Emotional Cause of Cancer

According to the Recall Healing Method, healing the emotional root cause of cancer from the subconscious level allows the body to stop creating the disease and start self-healing. This process is not medical but can be combined with other natural cancer care methods. In Recall Healing, to find the source of the conflict in the subconscious, we examine these three significant areas in the patient’s life, as seen in the “The Iceberg Model.”

“The Iceberg Model” – (all rights reserved to Gilbert Renaud)


1. Major events in the person’s life: Usually, every person’s life is characterized by a mathematical cyclicality linked to an illness or event. Traumas and major festive events or changes are taken into consideration.

2. The “Project Purpose”: The period starting nine months before conception, the duration of the pregnancy and up until one year old. Everything that happens to the baby or his or her parents, particularly the mother, will be considered. Most people are surprised to see the root of their disease is linked to this early stage of their life.

3. Genealogy – The Family Tree: We usually check three generations back for any possible memories related to specific cancer conflict. The logic behind it is that descendants might be carrying the need to solve problems that their lineage has not overcome. Problem-solving is the ability to adjust to difficulties and evolution on the level of the family clan.

These factors reside in the subconscious, which accounts for more than 90% of our brain. The reason for our behaviour, thoughts and feelings are hidden from us – like the more significant part of an iceberg submerged underwater, revealing only its tip.

Recall Healing for the Emotional Reason of Cancer

The Recall healing is conducted through a conversation between the facilitator and the patient. After completing an extensive questionnaire, the patient is guided precisely to the circumstances in his or her life related to the conflict of his or her cancer. It is essential to have a precise diagnosis since every type of cancer has a different, underlying subconscious conflict. It is better to start with the Recall Healing as soon as possible. Since the body is the healer, the stronger the body is, the better the chance to heal.

Recall Healing can also be done remotely through video mediums such as Skype or Zoom. Usually, between three to six sessions are enough to go to the emotional cause of the disease. Some patients come for Recall Healing sessions as a preventative measure so cancer will not return after surgery and chemotherapy. Even though the cancer is not present in their body from a medical point of view, they understand they need to disable the inner emotional mechanism that created cancer. Recall Healing can support and promote any other treatment, medical and natural, and can be done simultaneously.

Read more about Recall Healing.

The Emotional Conflict Behind Most Common Types of Cancer

The most common cancer types in Canada are lung cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer, and colorectal cancer. Together they account for more than 50% of all cancer instances (around 100 types of cancers). This article will give a short introduction to each and the emotional conflict-related to the Recall Healing Method. It is important to note that statistics are useful for doctors and plan the treatment and measuring prevalence. However, every human being diagnosed with cancer is unique and can heal and reach optimum health.

Lung Cancer Natural Treatment

This type of cancer is mostly connected to smoking, although we must ask ourselves how 15 % of the people who get lung cancer have never been smokers. 35 % of people with lung cancer are past smokers, yet some people, including chain smokers, never have lung cancer. The body’s function of multiplying the lung cells is to get more air, more life, and space. The central emotional conflict related to the lung is “fear of death for myself or another.” In this, you can see that the warnings about the danger of smoking contribute to the conflict. There are a few other conflicts that are related to lung cancer.


Breast Cancer Natural Treatment

The biological meaning of the breast is to take care of my home/nest.
It is a very feminine aspect to feed and protect my loved ones. The conflict of breast cancer will be related to her children, husband, parents and other meaningful relationships. In breast cancer, it is essential to know the tissue involved in the breast:

Milk duct cancer – (Invasive Ductal Carcinoma) – is 80% of breast cancer. The biological conflict is related to a separation in the home/nest.
Milk gland cancer- (Lobular Carcinoma) – The conflict will be related to danger in the home /nest.

The tumour’s location on the breast itself and the side of the body affected can also give us more details about the conflict. The same principles refer to the biological conflict of benign tumours in the breast.

In some types of cancer, the tumour will grow while the conflict is present in the person’s life, and for other kinds, cancer will start developing after the stress is already gone! It is not uncommon to hear from patients who are describing the time before the diagnosis as the best time in their life, in their relationship, etc.

Prostate Cancer Natural Treatment

The prostate function in a man’s body is to create prostate fluid, one of the ingredients of semen. This fluid function is to create a healthy environment for the sperm to reach the uterus and reproduce.
Thus, the biological conflict related to the prostate are:
1. Worry for the descendants – children and grandchildren.
2. Conflict in sexuality.
3. Conflict in the relationship.

Prostate Cancer is usually not violent, and the man has time to treat the emotional causes of his condition and use natural medicine. The same principle is used to treat prostate enlargement or prostatitis.

Colorectal Cancer Natural Treatment

This is the last stop of the digestive tract. Different types of cancer in the digestive system have various conflicts. the large intestine’s central conflict is related to letting go of some “garbage or something unpleasant.” “I can’t understand/digest something that was done to me or that I did.” Another conflict will be that “I cannot let go of the past, or of someone who died.” Holding on to objects, relationships, or anything in the past is against the colon’s nature. The multiplication of the cells in cancer is the brain’s way of helping you flush out what you don’t need anymore. Although it can be excruciating emotionally, letting go will be useful in most cases.

Using the Right Knowledge to Heal the Emotional Conflict

In the Recall Healing session, we will find the conflicts related to cancer in the person’s life cycles, in his very early childhood and during the time of his or her mother’s pregnancy, and in the family history. If you approach a sick person with the information about the conflict underlying their illness, it will not give them the right tools and knowledge to heal the conflict. One needs to connect directly with the specific events, traumas and beliefs of the conflict which manifested the illness in his or her life.

When the connection between a disease + conflict + event is made, there can be some emotion or clarity. This means that the conflict that was in the subconscious is now in the conscious mind. When this happens, the patient’s brain understands that the conflict is “taken care of” and can now be released from the body.

What is Important to Know About Cancer Diagnosis?

The time of the diagnosis is significant, particularly in life-threatening diseases. When one gets the diagnosis that he or she has cancer, it is a shock. Most people will have some conscious and subconscious beliefs and reaction to the diagnosis of cancer:
– “I am going to die.”
– “I’m going to suffer from the pain.”
– “I am going to suffer from the treatments.”
– “I’m part of the statistics.”
– “What is going to happen to my children?”
– Worries about work, money, and any other practical aspects.

These reactions are beliefs based on the person’s mind and are highly influenced by how they diagnose.


Because it is such dramatic news, there is an excellent chance for a negative or positive placebo effect. It is not uncommon to see people who become very sick after the diagnosis was given. This is also influenced by how the person’s family and friends react, and a significant factor is the person’s state of mind. In Recall Healing, this is called the “Conflict of Diagnosis.” The conflict of diagnosis can positively influence the person’s ability to heal and to recover. In extreme cases, the conflict of diagnosis can create another type of cancer or metastasis.

For example, A woman is diagnosed with breast cancer. After the diagnosis, she had extreme financial worries for her family since she was her primary supporter. Her husband’s business was suffering a lot of financial debt. This eventually led to metastasis in the liver. One of the central conflicts of liver cancer is related to financial worries. So, it is essential to unravel the diagnosed person’s inner thoughts and emotions to allow him or her to heal better.

Natural Treatments for Cancer

Conventional medicine treatments for cancer can have, in many cases, very harsh side effects. This is a cost vs benefit analysis that every oncologist doctor must do with their patients. Natural medicine can help heal the person by clearing the emotional and mental state, strengthening the body and immune system, and removing the medical treatment’s side effects as much as possible. We will cover some of the leading natural healing methods for cancer care.

Acupuncture for Cancer

acupuncture for cancer


A treatment used widely worldwide to treat the side effects of conventional medical treatments for cancer is Acupuncture.

Acupuncture’s main attributes for cancer treatments:
– Acupuncture helps to minimize the different kinds of pain and uncomfortableness caused by cancer and cancer treatments.
– Acupuncture can reduce the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation such as vomiting, nausea, poor appetite, weight loss, fatigue, depression, insomnia and anxiety
– Acupuncture can increase white blood cell count
– Acupuncture improves the immune system
– Acupuncture can allow one to have more medical treatments by improving the recovery time
– Acupuncture brings general balance and relaxation
– Acupuncture is also recommended for the months after the treatment to help the body recover and regain strength

Acupuncture is applied after Chinese medicine diagnosis.
Acupuncture can be combined with Chinese Medicine Herbal Therapy.

Read more about Balance Method Acupuncture.

Naturopathy for Cancer

Naturopathy is widely used in cancer care. The Naturopath Doctor can assist in different ways:
– Nutrition: This can be very effective as part of the treatment. It is essential to take out carcinogenic food from the menu, foods that cause allergy and inflammation. There are many theories about nutrition, from vegan to keto. No one is technically proven better than the other, and it is wise to find the one that is right for you and your body.
– Intravenous Therapy: High doses of vitamin C and Mistletoe Therapy.
– Ozone and UV Therapy.
– Detoxification: Clearing toxins from the medical treatments and consumption of unhealthy food and pollution.
– Herbal therapy and vitamin and supplements: The best results are achieved when supplements are taken after a professional diagnosis from a Naturopathic Doctor.

How to Deal with Side Effects of Chemotherapy and Radiation


The conventional medical treatments for cancer are, generally speaking, aiming to kill the cancer cells. Unfortunately, in doing so, the rest of the cells in the body are damaged. From a natural cancer care point of view, our primary goal is to make the body as healthy as possible and allow the body to eliminate all the waste created.

As mentioned above, acupuncture, herbal therapy, nutrition and naturopathy are very useful in this. Age, the physical and mental configurations are also playing an important part. If possible, it is recommended to receive the natural treatments before, during and after the medical treatments.

It is essential not to create a negative opinion towards medical cancer treatments. If the patient believes that the therapy is harmful, toxic and will “kill me,” it will be harder for them to deal with the side effects. It is better to decide with your Medical Doctor about the best course of treatment and then see it as a good and organic part of your healing.

Cancer Detox – is it Healthy?

It is common to look at detoxification as something healthy. According to Chinese Medicine, detoxification can create damage if the person’s constitution is poor. It can weaken the patient’s body and impede healing. For the body, an extreme diet causes a lot of stress, especially if there is a lack of nutrients. In this case, it is not “the more, the better,” and therefore, detoxification should be done with care and with a proper diagnosis and follow-up.

We hope this article will help you find a natural approach to add to your cancer treatment and heal.

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About the Author

Picture of Elad Shalev

Elad Shalev

Elad Shalev, Doctor of Acupuncture Dr. Ac. Registered acupuncturist in Alberta, is the founder of Rebalance Acupuncture Edmonton. The name ReBalance comes from a combination of Recall Healing and Balance Method Acupuncture.

After practicing and teaching different types of alternative medicine over the last 20 years, Elad Shalev came to focus his work on the most effective methods from his experience. His search after healing methods that provide fast results in curing the symptoms while healing the root cause of the disease, led him to Balance method Acupuncture and Recall Healing.

The Rebalance acupuncture clinic is located in Edmonton, Canada. Online Recall Healing session are available - world wide.

Picture of Elad Shalev

Elad Shalev

Elad Shalev, Doctor of Acupuncture Dr. Ac. Registered acupuncturist in Alberta, is the founder of Rebalance Acupuncture Edmonton. The name ReBalance comes from a combination of Recall Healing and Balance Method Acupuncture.

After practicing and teaching different types of alternative medicine over the last 20 years, Elad Shalev came to focus his work on the most effective methods from his experience. His search after healing methods that provide fast results in curing the symptoms while healing the root cause of the disease, led him to Balance method Acupuncture and Recall Healing.

The Rebalance acupuncture clinic is located in Edmonton, Canada. Online Recall Healing session are available - world wide.

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