15 Best Acupuncture Clinics in Edmonton

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The 15 Best Acupuncture Clinics in Edmonton 

This article will give you all the information you need to know about finding the best-registered acupuncture clinics. Specifically, we have compiled a list of Edmonton’s best 15 Acupuncture clinics, updated by February 2024.

When we search Google, we can find lists made automatically by Yelp or other marketing websites. Still, most of these are sponsored without understanding Acupuncture or checking up on the acupuncture clinic.

In this List, we are not trying to say that one acupuncture clinic is better than another, but we will help you find the best solution!


Before you start, you can check what conditions acupuncture treats here.


Have a personal question? Please email us at info@acupunctureedmonton.com, text us, or call us at 780-801-1667.


For your convenience,

we have divided the acupuncture clinics in Edmonton into five categories:

Acupuncture styles – There are many acupuncture styles, each with different qualities.

Specific audiences and communities – Some clinics have particular audiences.

Women’s clinics – Women’s physiology has a unique Chinese medicine approach.

Unique locations – in the Edmonton area.

Edmonton Acupuncture Institutes – Acupuncture is a registered-licensed practice in Alberta & Canada

Don’t have time? Go straight to the list!

The treatment that matches your needs

The first thing you should ask yourself is: what is the uniqueness of each of the chosen acupuncture clinics in Edmonton?
You can always choose by location and visit the acupuncture clinic near you. Google Maps will help you find the closest to where you live or work. But what if there is an acupuncture clinic that is also a better match for your needs?

Most acupuncture clinics treat a variety of conditions. You can check what conditions acupuncture treats here. Most offer free cupping or moxibustion, TDP lamps, herbal therapy, electro-acupuncture, and more. It is not exactly “fair” to narrow a clinic or an acupuncturist down to one or two specialties, but still, to help you get the most out of this list, we have done it for you!

Acupuncture can help with many conditions without causing the side effects of drugs or surgeries. Because of this, it continues to become increasingly popular. There is so much undiscovered growth potential for Acupuncture in Edmonton and Canada.

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The Success Story of Alternative Medicine

According to several sources, including The NCBI, Acupuncture is the most popular alternative healing method globally, with millions of people receiving this treatment. Today, Acupuncture is recognized by most extended health care benefits and insurance plans, and I believe it will be part of the Alberta Health Care plan one day.

Acupuncture prices in Edmonton

What are the acupuncture treatment prices like in Edmonton? Most acupuncturists will charge more for the first treatment and less for the follow-up.

Edmonton’s initial acupuncture treatment: A 60-minute visit usually costs between $90 and $150 and includes a short discussion, examination, Chinese Medicine diagnosis, and acupuncture treatment.

Edmonton’s follow-up acupuncture treatment Usually lasts 45 minutes and costs between $70 and $ 100.

Acupuncture Direct billing in Edmonton

If you have benefits or insurance plans, your acupuncture treatment will most likely be covered by your provider. Direct billing means that the acupuncture clinic will bill the insurance for the treatment without you needing to pay anything. If the clinic doesn’t have direct billing, you will pay, take the receipt, and claim it by submitting it online, then receive the money back from your insurance company. Typically, insurance plans cover between $200 and $500 worth of treatments.

Save money with treatment packages – you will pay upfront but receive a good discount for purchasing multiple sessions. If you have insurance coverage and are unsure if Acupuncture is right for you, try it and see how it can help.

Choose the best acupuncturist for you.

The better the match with your acupuncturist, the better the results. There isn’t one acupuncturist that is best for everyone, but there is one that is best for you. When choosing an acupuncturist, you should consider the acupuncture techniques, specialties, availability, location, and personal touch. The connection between the acupuncturist and the patient is essential and supports healing.

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The list of  the 15 Best Acupuncture Clinics in Edmonton

Unique Acupuncture styles


Rebalance – Acupuncture Edmonton – Fast results

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Rebalance acupuncture Edmonton

Specialized in acupuncture style with fast and tangible results.
Acupuncture style: Elad Shalev, Dr . Ac, specializes in Balance Method Acupuncture, one of the best acupuncture styles. This method allows you to see if Acupuncture works for you. You will experience reduced pain, inflammation, and other symptoms combined with deep relaxation during the treatment. After one session, you should notice some improvement in your condition and see further improvement after each session.

Services: The Rebalance Acupuncture Edmonton clinic also offers Recall Healing consultations to treat the subconscious’s root cause of conditions. This can benefit acupuncture patients with complex diseases like cancer, fibromyalgia, chronic pain, insomnia, injuries, or emotional or behavioral patterns. It is also great for people who want to understand why they are sick and evolve from their sickness.

Other services: Electroacupuncture, magnet therapy, Chinese Medicine Herbal Therapy, cupping.

Address: 11356 119 St NW Edmonton, Alberta, T5G2X4


Acupuncture Alternative & Asian Medicine – Diagnosis


Specializes in Acupuncture with special diagnostic tools.
Dr. Eric Weiss O.M.D – R.ac uses microscopic live blood analysis to diagnose accurately. It combines traditional oriental diagnosis techniques, Acupuncture, and Chinese herbal therapy.

Services: Pinpoint specific inefficiencies, imbalances, toxicity, deficiency, and weakness of your body’s metabolism.

Address: 9327 172 St NW Edmonton.

Integrated Therapies – Japanese-style

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Specialized in Japanese style- acupuncture and back pain.
Acupuncture style: Mariano Torres L.ac specializes in Kiiko Matsumoto’s Japanese Acupuncture style, which efficiently addresses the autonomic nervous system.

Services: Mariano combines Acupuncture with Thai massage, specializing in lower back pain and orthopedic cases.
Address: (South Edmonton): 10065 80 Ave NW, Edmonton.

Vision Acupuncture- Vision loss specialist

Acupuncture for eyes and degenerative vision loss.

Acupuncture style: Dr. Gunnar Hansen, MD, R.ac., uses Microsystem Acupuncture for vision loss. This relatively new treatment form utilizes various acupuncture systems to select points with maximum effect on the eyes.

Services: Vision Acupuncture Clinic offers a specialized treatment program to treat macular degeneration, glaucoma, retinas, pigments, and other eye diseases and vision conditions.

Address: 9924 152 St NW, Edmonton

Classic Acupuncture – Traditional Chinese Medicine

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TCM acupuncture style.

This is the most common acupuncture style in the world and China: TCM- Traditional Chinese Medicine.
It is located in Strathcona. Dr. Lion Jiang provides classic TCM treatment in his clinic.

Services: TCM, Acupuncture, and massage treatments.
Address: 10453 84 Ave NW Edmonton.

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Specific Audience Approach in Acupuncture

Meridian Health Centre- LGBT community

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Acupuncture for the LGBT community.
Jon McDonell R.Ac is one of the Acupuncturists at the Meridian Health Clinic. While the clinic gives acupuncture services to the general public, he found a unique acupuncture niche. Jon is particularly interested in applying Chinese medical theory to Queer men’s and Transgender health.
Address: 10990 124 St, NW Edmonton.

Red Leaf Wellness -Armed forced 

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Acupuncture for Armed Forces and Emergency Services personnel.

Specialized in: Acupuncture for PTSD and depression.
Tammy Lalonde – R.ac specializes in highly stressful complex interactions, care management, and treatment of anxiety, depression, and PTSD – particularly among Armed Forces and Emergency Services personnel.

Address: 10623 129 st NW Edmonton.

City Centre Wellness – Athlete

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Acupuncture for athletes.
City Centre Wellness is located in a gym downtown and specializes in professionals and recreational athletes. This may be a good fit if you’re looking for optimal sports performance.
Address: #220 1 — Edmonton City Centre NW, Edmonton

The Acupuncture Turning Point- Community acupuncture


Community group acupuncture.
This is a great way to get a cheaper and more affordable acupuncture treatment. In community acupuncture, the treatment is done in a shared room with other patients.
You have little privacy, but you get group support and lower prices!
Address: #203, 7609 109 St. NW

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Acupuncture for Women

Monica Pat Acupuncture – Fertility


Specialized in: Acupuncture for Fertility.
Monica Pat R. Ac. specializes in treating women’s fertility and reproductive health with acupuncture. Acupuncture is beneficial in these cases, and this is one of the clinics you want to check out!
Address: 10118 124 St. NW Edmonton.

Whole family health – Gynecology

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Specialized in Gynecology and obstetrics.

This is another “women’s health” clinic. They specialize in obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive medicine. With a team of female therapists, they offer an integrated approach to family health.
Address: 6523 – 111 St. NW Edmonton



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Edmonton area acupuncture clinics

St. Albert Acupuncture and Wellness

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Acupuncture clinic, located in St. Albert.
Address: #315 -7 St. Anne Street, St Albert.

Acupuncture Care Holistic Centre – Sherwood Park

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Acupuncture clinic in Sherwood Park.
Address: #119, 52 Sioux Road, Sherwood Park.



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Acupuncture Institutes in Edmonton

MacEwan University Acupuncture – Cheap Price Acupuncture


Specialized in Acupuncture Students’ clinics and lower prices.
MacEwan’s Acupuncture teaching clinic is open to the public. Under the supervision of the clinical supervisor, MacEwan’s Acupuncture program students put theory into practice by providing treatments for various health benefits.
You will be treated by a student acupuncturist who will work with you closely. Other student acupuncturists and observers may be involved or observe your treatment. The price of the acupuncture treatment is $15.00 per treatment.

College of Acupuncturists of Alberta


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Specialized in: acupuncturist search
Any acupuncturist listed on this website is a registered Acupuncturist and, therefore, allowed to practice in Alberta. The meaning of the letters after the acupuncturist’s name is” R.ac – Registered Acupuncturist, or Dr. Ac. The CAA website has a search box for an acupuncturist. If you want to check if your acupuncturist is registered, this is the place. Unregistered acupuncturists are not allowed to work in Alberta. If you need more information or have concerns about an acupuncturist, please check the – Acupuncturist directory.



I hope this list helped you,

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All the best,

Elad Shalev Dr. Ac


15 Best Acupuncture Clinics in Edmonton

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Have Questions?

After reading this information, you may have some personal questions for Elad Shalev. Your questions will be addressed during the first consultation, otherwise you can email the clinic or fill out the free online questionnaire.
You will receive a personal answer from Elad Shalev as soon as possible.



Preliminary Questionnaire

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About the Author

Elad Shalev

Elad Shalev

Elad Shalev, Doctor of Acupuncture Dr. Ac. Registered acupuncturist in Alberta, is the founder of Rebalance Acupuncture Edmonton. The name ReBalance comes from a combination of Recall Healing and Balance Method Acupuncture.

After practicing and teaching different types of alternative medicine over the last 20 years, Elad Shalev came to focus his work on the most effective methods from his experience. His search after healing methods that provide fast results in curing the symptoms while healing the root cause of the disease, led him to Balance method Acupuncture and Recall Healing.

The Rebalance acupuncture clinic is located in Edmonton, Canada. Online Recall Healing session are available - world wide.

Elad Shalev

Elad Shalev

Elad Shalev, Doctor of Acupuncture Dr. Ac. Registered acupuncturist in Alberta, is the founder of Rebalance Acupuncture Edmonton. The name ReBalance comes from a combination of Recall Healing and Balance Method Acupuncture.

After practicing and teaching different types of alternative medicine over the last 20 years, Elad Shalev came to focus his work on the most effective methods from his experience. His search after healing methods that provide fast results in curing the symptoms while healing the root cause of the disease, led him to Balance method Acupuncture and Recall Healing.

The Rebalance acupuncture clinic is located in Edmonton, Canada. Online Recall Healing session are available - world wide.

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The Leading Acupuncture Clinic in Edmonton.

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