How to Boost Your Immune System?

Table of Contents

The Four Pillars of a Healthy Immune System 

Your immune system is as strong as you are, but there are specific “bugs” that can compromise even a healthy immune system. This article will help you find your immune system’s strengths and weaknesses and the tools to help improve and balance it. We explore the Four Pillars of a Healthy Immune System and how to bring balance to each.

The Physical Pillar of the Immune System

Chinese medicine’s approach is continuously maintaining and balancing ourselves compared to achieving “perfect health.” It is not black or white. It’s more like finding the right balance without falling over or getting up fast after we fall. We need fresh air, food, water, healthy organs and proper exercise to maintain a state of optimal health.
Healthy food will benefit the body. Unhealthy food will not nourish us and may cause our immune system’s reaction in the digestive system. The same is for water that is unclean (for example, tap water that has had fluoride or heavy metals added to it) or polluted air from chemicals or smoking that will cause a reaction in the lungs and the airways.
While our body can handle toxins, the more we take care of nourishing our body with healthy food and minimizing our intake of chemicals, additives, and toxins, the more we reduce the pressure on our immune system. Then we have the possibility of being ready and strong for when we need it.

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Is Hygiene good for the Immune System?

It’s a tricky question. Touching only sterilized items makes sense in one way but can compromise our immune system and make it “lazy.”  Our immune system is continually responding to outer stimuli and learns a lot all the time. When you deprive access to new information, it weakens the structure.
We should use our common sense – do your best to expose yourself and your children to nature, earth, sun, trees, and animals. Wash your hands before eating or after using the restroom. If you need to obey the rules of wearing a mask, take a break when you can and practice some deep breathing. The best is to get in the fresh air since the show blocks healthy airflow.
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Science considers it healthy to have interpersonal contact with others and different environments.  Children play together and for their systems to adapt to various bacteria, germs, and molecules, even if that means they become sick for a short while. Various germs strengthen the immune system. Similarly, as you begin an exercise routine, you will not start by running a marathon. If you overexpose yourself, you may be sick. Nurses and doctors who work in a hospital can handle much more than ordinary people who are not used to this kind of exposure. Finding a balance that allows the immune system to still interact with different environments and circumstances while also taking some precautions is a healthy move.

Existing Conditions

Any existing condition and the consumption of medication weakens the immune system. Try to heal or balance your conditions. For example, asthma can be cured or improved with acupuncture or another form of natural medicine in many cases. The same goes for allergies, cough, insomnia, constipation, headaches, etc. This is essential for creating a healthy immune system.
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Recommended supplements to boost your immune system

  • It is better to get a diagnosis and a particular recommendation from a Naturopathic doctor to save money on products.
  • Take Vitamin C – Pills or, even better, a Vitamin C IV (We provide Intravenous Therapy in our clinic).
  • Vitamin D – Many are deficient in Vitamin D. This is essential for maintaining a healthy Immune System. Sun exposure also dramatically helps to increase it.
  • Also: Zinc, Selenium, probiotics, garlic, fresh ginger, Honey, Oregano oil, Iodine, Colloidal Silver.
  • Vitamin A.
  • Chinese Herbal Combinations. Some natural remedies like “Gan Mao Ling”  can be extremely efficient in preventing a cold onset.

The Mental – Emotional Pillar of The Immune system

It is well known that stress depletes the nervous system. But there are specific “bugs” or triggers that can make you sick.
According to Recall Healing, the central emotional conflict that can trigger the flu, influenza, or “flu-like” symptoms is a prevalent one: arguing or fighting. Whether you had an actual argument, are anticipating one or playing out a scenario in your head, if your brain has a virus available, then you may “catch the flu.”
This is a stress on the throat area (talking, arguing), and people often begin with a sore, dry throat before developing a cold. That is why some people exposed to viruses or germs get sick while others don’t. It’s also why some people can have a virus but don’t get sick. Fear will trigger lung symptoms like cough and bronchitis. It is essential to stay relaxed and not buy into public fear in cases similar to COVID19. It is recommended to do what you need to do to protect yourself and put everything in proportion.
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How to Heal Flu from an Emotional Point of View?

As soon as you start feeling the first symptoms, remember if you argued or had an “internal argument” in the last few days. This might have caused stress on the system. If so, do the best you can to forgive, release, and let go. When you are sincere in this, it will heal the symptoms in less than an hour. If you argue frequently or get the flu more than once or twice a year, you could check with a Recall Healing practitioner. They may be able to identify subconscious reasons s for arguing. Allergies, chronic cough, and bronchitis have various conflicts, and the emotional cause needs to be healed for a full recovery. Recall Healing addresses these underlying causes of illness.

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The Energetic Pillar of the Immune system (Chinese Medicine)

In Chinese medicine, there is protective energy in the body that is called “Wei Qi.” Wei Qi is related to the energy of various organs in the body but mainly the lungs.
The energy that gives us the flu is seen as part of nature. It is an external pathogenic qi, usually called wind-cold or wind-heat entering the body.
That is why it is essential not to be heavily or overexposed to cold weather in winter or fans, drafts or air conditioners in the summer.
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Treating the Immune System in Chinese Medicine

Acupuncture – Acupuncture is very effective in treating a weak immune system. After diagnosis, Acupuncture helps with both acute and chronic conditions.
Chinese Herbal Medicine – extremely effective, especially if taken in the first 2-3 days and can prevent you from becoming sick. I recommend my patients to have Herbal formulas in their house like “Gan Mao Ling” to take with any flu-like symptoms.
Lifestyle – Strengthen your Wei Qi by doing breathing exercises like qigong, yoga, and cardio training. Eat well and get adequate sleep.
Dress well – wear clothes that cover the back of the neck in winter.
There are exceptions to the strength of your immune system in cases of what we call in Chinese Medicine “Pandemic Qi.” In cases of a very contagious virus-like  COVID19, you may contract it even if your immune system is robust. However, when your Wei qi is strong enough, we will see fewer symptoms and shorter illness duration.
Acupuncture for immune system

The Inspirational (spiritual) Pillar of the Immune System

The last of the four pillars of a healthy immune system is the inspirational pillar. Many don’t consider the connection of the immune system to inspiration. However, it’s one of our most potent powers.
You can observe a mother who “cannot afford to be sick because she needs to take care of her children.
When your life has a purpose or meaning, this boosts your body with “high-level energy.”
What inspires you? Is it your work, your hobby, your loved ones? Is it a Spiritual Path or just being in nature?
Our body’s profound fundamental energy is all about loving life.
Life has endured ice ages, meteors, wars, famine, and plagues.
Our ancestors have been through a lot of difficulties, and still, we are here.
Don’t let the seed of fear, despair, or defeat grow in your mind. Turn off the TV and turn on your heart. Connect to someone. Isolation is an illusion; we are all one-like cells in one body. Try to find the flow of life and love inside you. You will feel better, and you will also inspire others to do so.
Our natural “herd immunity” is all about the love connections and about supporting each other.

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Summary: The four pillars of a healthy immune system

There are many ways to balance our immune system’s physical, mental-emotional, energetic and spiritual pillars or aspects. Rebalance Acupuncture Edmonton offers holistic healing services to strengthen the Immune System. We offer Acupuncture, Recall Healing and other services to bring about more excellent balance in your immunity and overall health.

How to Boost Your Immune System?

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About the Author

Picture of Elad Shalev

Elad Shalev

Elad Shalev, Doctor of Acupuncture Dr. Ac. Registered acupuncturist in Alberta, is the founder of Rebalance Acupuncture Edmonton. The name ReBalance comes from a combination of Recall Healing and Balance Method Acupuncture.

After practicing and teaching different types of alternative medicine over the last 20 years, Elad Shalev came to focus his work on the most effective methods from his experience. His search after healing methods that provide fast results in curing the symptoms while healing the root cause of the disease, led him to Balance method Acupuncture and Recall Healing.

The Rebalance acupuncture clinic is located in Edmonton, Canada. Online Recall Healing session are available - world wide.

Picture of Elad Shalev

Elad Shalev

Elad Shalev, Doctor of Acupuncture Dr. Ac. Registered acupuncturist in Alberta, is the founder of Rebalance Acupuncture Edmonton. The name ReBalance comes from a combination of Recall Healing and Balance Method Acupuncture.

After practicing and teaching different types of alternative medicine over the last 20 years, Elad Shalev came to focus his work on the most effective methods from his experience. His search after healing methods that provide fast results in curing the symptoms while healing the root cause of the disease, led him to Balance method Acupuncture and Recall Healing.

The Rebalance acupuncture clinic is located in Edmonton, Canada. Online Recall Healing session are available - world wide.

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