Recall Healing Consultations With Elad Shalev Dr. Ac.
Are you ready to unlock the hidden patterns shaping your health and life? Recall Healing offers a transformative approach to understanding and addressing the root causes of your physical, mental, and emotional challenges. Unlike conventional therapies that can take months to show results, Recall Healing works quickly and deeply, uncovering the subconscious triggers behind your conditions and behaviors. This method provides a direct pathway to realizations that can transform your health, relationships, and overall well-being.
Imagine uncovering the deeply buried insights within your subconscious—the 95% of your mind that holds the untapped knowledge and power to change your life. With Recall Healing, you can gain clarity about your past, your patterns, and the emotional conflicts that may hold you back. Through this process, you open the door to profound Healing, self-awareness, and empowerment.
Elad Shalev, Dr. Ac., has been practicing Recall Healing since 2012, working closely with Gilbert Renaud, the founder of this groundbreaking methodology. Whether you’re seeking an in-person consultation in Edmonton, Alberta, or prefer the convenience of an online session via Zoom, Elad Shalev offers personalized guidance to help you on your journey toward transformation.
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To book a Recall Healing consultation online, or at the clinic, or ask any questions:
Disclaimer: Recall Healing is a complementary approach that works alongside conventional medical treatments. We do not encourage stopping or replacing any medical protocol, chemotherapy, treatment, or advice provided by your physician. All suggestions are intended to enhance, not replace, conventional medicine.
How Recall Healing Can Transform Your Life
You have the power to transform your life by understanding that diseases are not mistakes made by your body or brain. Instead, they are your brain’s way of resolving a biological conflict within you. By approaching conditions with this perspective, Healing can penetrate deep into the subconscious mind. These conflicts may stem from early life experiences or even be inherited from ancestors, unconsciously repeating throughout your life. Recall Healing Consultation helps you uncover and explore these subconscious conflicts, paving the way for profound Healing and self-awareness.
This exceptional knowledge empowers you to understand and address the root causes of your challenges:
Why are you sick?
Why did you become sick at a specific time?
How can you release the subconscious emotional causes of your diseases, patterns, or behaviors?
How can you change how you think, feel, and make decisions?
How can you transform your health, relationships, motivation, spirituality, and overall well-being?
By exploring these questions, you gain the tools to unlock deeper self-awareness and create meaningful, lasting transformations in your life.
What is Recall Healing?
Recall Healing is a unique approach that offers a new perspective on illness and health. But what does it mean to heal the root cause of a disease? Recall Healing helps individuals uncover the emotional conflicts or subconscious beliefs that lie behind their conditions and behaviors. Once these conflicts are brought to awareness, the healing process can begin. In Recall Healing, diseases are seen as automatic, biological solutions to unresolved inner conflicts.
The brain creates disease or behavioral patterns as part of an automatic, evolutionary mechanism. This mechanism adapts to external realities to support survival.
A Simple Example:
Consider a child struggling with math in school. Upon deeper questioning, it is revealed that the child was conceived when the mother miscalculated her ovulation date. This mistake caused significant emotional drama for the parents, yet it led to the child’s existence. The belief that “miscalculation gives me life” is subconsciously embedded in the child’s brain. Without awareness of this subconscious belief, the brain perpetuates the behavior as a survival mechanism. Once the mother shared this story with the child in a structured Recall Healing process, the child’s difficulty with math improved significantly.
The Framework of Recall Healing
Recall Healing employs a structured framework where the specialist helps individuals “recall” the subconscious trauma or emotional conflicts tied to their condition. Unveiling this connection enables clients to understand why a particular illness or behavior became their brain’s solution. These conflicts often stem from:
Ancestral events or unresolved traumas,
Traumatic experiences in pregnancy and childhood,
Life cycles or significant patterns.
Understanding the origins of a condition is a critical step in the healing process. Recall Healing holds that once the brain comprehends and releases the conflict, it no longer needs to manifest the illness. This awareness alone can initiate profound Healing.
How a Recall Healing Specialist Can Help You
A Recall Healing specialist uses their expertise to guide and support clients through this transformative process. However, the client’s active participation is essential, as the answers ultimately reside within them. The specialist facilitates the exploration of subconscious memories, enabling clients to uncover and address the emotional roots of their challenges.
For more details about the Recall Healing Methodology and examples of its applications, continue reading this article to gain further insights into this powerful approach to health and well-being.
Recall Healing Reviews
Why Are We Sick?
When we experience intense stress—whether it’s grieving the loss of a loved one, surviving a car accident, or enduring a challenging period—our brain shifts into survival mode. During these moments, the automatic brain becomes hyper-focused on preserving life. However, this stress compromises its optimal functionality, making it harder to concentrate, gather resources, or defend ourselves from perceived threats.
To compensate, the automatic brain activates a mechanism to restore our ability to function. It takes the intense emotional experience and stores it within the body, embedding it in specific tissues or organs. This process allows us to recover quickly from the trauma, enabling us to get back on our feet and resume daily life. Yet, these stored experiences don’t simply disappear—they remain imprinted in the body.
The Role of the Body in Storing Trauma
Every organ and tissue in the body has its own “memory,” holding onto the frequencies of specific experiences. For instance:
The liver stores the experience of hunger and scarcity.
The female breast is connected to nurturing and the bond with children.
The skin reflects interactions with the outside world and how we perceive our environment.
These connections are not limited to humans—they apply to all living beings, including animals. This intricate relationship between the body, brain, and trauma helps us survive, but without addressing these imprints, they may manifest as physical or emotional symptoms later in life.
“The Pyramid of Health,” The Recall Healing book cover – written By Gilbert Renaud
The Pyramid Model In Recall Healing
In Recall Healing, a human being is viewed as a triad consisting of the psyche, automatic brain, and body. These three elements interact to process and store experiences, particularly those tied to emotional conflicts.
The Psyche
The psyche is the part of the brain responsible for thoughts, emotions, learning, development, decision-making, beliefs, and thought patterns. When this part of the brain experiences an energetic overflow, the system initiates a “grounding” mechanism to prevent overload—much like an electrical appliance prevents damage through grounding.
The Automatic Brain
The automatic brain, which is focused on survival, takes this overflow and suppresses it into the body. This suppression is a protective measure, storing the unresolved conflict for later resolution.
The Body
The body acts as the final storage unit for excess energy and emotional conflicts. These unresolved issues can re-emerge later in life as a disease or illness. We will explore how this process unfolds in greater detail as we progress.
The Emotional Root Cause of Disease
When working with a client in Recall Healing, it’s essential to uncover three critical aspects of their condition:
What is the conflict?
When was it stored in the body?
Why was it stored?
Where Can We Find the Root Cause?
To identify the emotional root cause of a disease, Recall Healing examines three primary areas:
1. The Person’s Life
The first step is to investigate the year preceding the disease’s onset and specific life cycles. Every person’s life is believed to follow a mathematical cyclicality linked to illnesses or significant events. Recognizing these patterns often provides crucial insights into the root cause.
2. “The Project Purpose”
This period spans from nine months before conception through pregnancy and up to one year after birth. During this time, the baby’s brain is “downloaded” with subconscious programs that will shape its behaviors, mental patterns, and even predisposition to diseases throughout life. Events affecting the baby, parents (especially the mother), or the family during this period leave lasting imprints on the child.
3. Genealogy
The subconscious mind carries the sum of meaningful experiences from family history, typically spanning the last three generations. These ancestral imprints may stem from unresolved challenges or conflicts that descendants unconsciously inherit. The idea is that individuals may “solve” problems their lineage has been unable to overcome, adapting to difficult situations as an evolutionary response on the family level.
The Iceberg In Recall Healing
These factors—life events, “Project Purpose,” and genealogy—exist primarily in the subconscious mind. Like the vast portion of an iceberg hidden beneath the surface, these influences are not immediately visible but significantly impact our health and behaviors.
“The Iceberg Model” – the subconscious
How to Address a Disease In Recall Healing?
In Recall Healing, an illness is seen as a creation of the mind, often triggered by a past event. Identifying key factors from a person’s past—or even their ancestors’ past—makes it possible to free them from the subconscious need for that illness.
The brain may release it quickly when someone is not emotionally tied to a story or event. Sometimes, simply bringing a memory into conscious awareness is enough to clear it from the subconscious. Other situations may require the individual to undergo a process of letting go to achieve Healing.
Letting Go of Conflicts
Two examples illustrate the different types of letting go:
Immediate Healing
In one case, a woman developed arthritis at the same age her grandmother had passed away. She was named after her grandmother, who died during the Holocaust. The trauma, stored in her subconscious as a family imprint, was released by connecting the two events. This realization brought about immediate Healing in just one session.
A Gradual Process
In another case, a woman with fibromyalgia had conflicts linked to events in the womb and early childhood. These conflicts stemmed from her parents’ relationship, which influenced her current relationship with her husband. To heal, she had to let go of these conflicts and forgive her father, mother, and spouse. This process required several sessions and a more profound emotional release.
Recall Healing involves thoroughly investigating various aspects of the patient’s life. Facilitators often use pre-session questionnaires and sometimes ask patients to verify specific family details, such as dates of important events.
Child Therapy in Recall Healing
While children may appear to come into this world “all clean,” they are significantly influenced by their genetic lineage and the circumstances of their “project purpose”—the period spanning nine months before conception, pregnancy, and the first year of life.
The first 30 months of life are particularly critical. During this time, the brain absorbs and re-creates everything that happens to ensure survival. Children often internalize their parents’ hardships, believing they must “fix” their parents’ problems to survive. For example, many children blame themselves for their parents’ divorce, thinking they are somehow responsible.
How Recall Healing Works for Children
When treating children with Recall Healing, the process focuses on the parents. The consultation is conducted with the mother or father to uncover the conflicts that created the child’s challenges and the events that initiated those conflicts. In some cases, the issue can be resolved by the parent acknowledging the conflict or undergoing a specific process.
One notable technique involves the parent sharing the “project purpose” story with the child while they are asleep. The child’s subconscious absorbs this information, enabling the brain to release the stored conflict. This approach can often lead to immediate Healing, as the child’s subconscious no longer holds onto the emotional burden.
Common Children’s Conflicts
In Recall Healing, many childhood conditions can be traced back to unresolved emotional conflicts. These conflicts often stem from experiences in the child’s subconscious or inherited from their parents. Some examples include:
Bedwetting: Often connected to a separation story involving the father, mother, or child. Once the story is uncovered, bedwetting can resolve overnight.
Hyperactivity: Frequently linked to a fear of natural miscarriage: my baby is not moving. When the baby is born, he is very active in shoeing his mother, and he is okay: “Look, mommy – I’m alive.” Hyperactivity may disappear within days once the conflict is identified.
Daily Migraines: A child needs to prove their intelligence. Often tied to a conflict with their father and may manifest as migraines. Addressing the underlying emotional causes can lead to relief in just a few days.
Recall Healing addresses various childhood conditions, including asthma, migraines, allergies, learning difficulties, behaviors, and social challenges. Notably, The child does not need to be physically present for the session. Instead, the parent works with the facilitator on behalf of the child. It’s crucial to emphasize that this process does not place blame on parents but recognizes biological mechanisms at play.
What is a Biological Conflict?
In Recall Healing, it’s essential to distinguish between a biological conflict and a psychological one. A biological conflict arises when survival feels threatened, prompting an instinctual response. This contrasts with a mental or emotional pattern that might not directly engage the survival brain.
For example:
A psychological conflict might sound like, “My mother left me.”
A biological conflict would be, “My mother left me, and now I have no protection or food, which means I might die.”
The survival brain interprets the latter as a critical threat and triggers a response. For instance, a child who experiences abandonment may develop a biological adaptation, such as gaining weight (becoming larger) to protect themselves better and survive.
Can a Biological Conflict Cause Cancer?
(From a Recall Healing perspective, without denying other explanations)
When a biological conflict arises, the survival brain reacts to resolve it as quickly as possible. For example:
A wolf separated from its pack struggles to survive. After repeatedly losing prey to a larger predator, the wolf adapts by swallowing bigger chunks of meat without chewing, allowing it to retain more food. To digest the extra intake, the brain orders the stomach to multiply cells, which can manifest as a tumor—this is referred to as a “stomach cancer conflict.”
In humans, a biological conflict can be real, imaginary, or symbolic. For instance:
Symbolically, an emotional conflict may sound like: “I can’t believe he betrayed me. I can’t digest what happened.”
This emotional “indigestion” mirrors the wolf’s physical conflict, activating the brain’s survival mechanism. The body may respond with a similar adaptation, such as developing a stomach tumor to “help digest” the unresolved emotional burden.
Case Study: A Conflict That Triggered Stomach Cancer
A man was betrayed by his business partner, who was also his best friend. The betrayal involved taking over the company and led to intense legal battles and emotional turmoil. The man could not process the betrayal, saying repeatedly, “I can’t digest what he did to me.”
The prolonged stress activated his survival brain, interpreting the situation as an urgent biological conflict. The brain suppressed the unresolved emotional burden into the body, triggering the creation of a stomach tumor to “digest” the experience.
If the patient releases the trauma—through forgiveness or resolution—the brain can deactivate the conflict, allowing the body to begin healing. However, if the conflict remains unresolved, the emotional burden persists, and the tumor may continue to grow.
Biological Conflicts & Related Diseases In Recall Healing
Not every business betrayal leads to stomach cancer. The way an individual interprets an event determines how their brain processes the conflict and which part of the body it impacts. Each person’s unique perception creates a biological response that varies significantly.
Examples of Conflicts and Related Biological Responses
“I am so mad at him. I can never forgive him.”
This unresolved anger could lead to gallbladder stones.
“I couldn’t see him lying to me.”
Feeling blindsided might trigger glaucoma (where the eyes magnify issues).
“What he did to me stinks.”
This thought may result in sinusitis, as the body tries to block unpleasant smells.
“I don’t have enough money. I can’t support my family.”
This financial worry might cause liver cancer as the liver attempts to provide more resources.
“My children are in danger.”
This instinct could lead to testicular cancer in men (to boost reproduction) or ovarian or breast cancer in women.
“My territory was invaded.”
A perceived threat to one’s “territory” might culminate in a heart attack. The heart’s blood vessels expand to fight the invader and later narrow with cholesterol as the conflict resolves.
“It’s OK. I’ll start a new, better business.”
This healthy, positive outlook leads to no disease and fosters resilience.
An individual’s belief system heavily influences the type of conflict created and how the brain and body react, even in seemingly similar situations.
The Individual Nature of Biological Conflicts
It’s important to note that these examples are provided for illustration purposes only. Every case is unique, and the exact emotional links to a specific illness must be identified to address the underlying conflict effectively. Recall Healing is not about offering blanket solutions but uncovering the precise factors, life cycles, project purposes, and genetic patterns unique to each person.
Illness in a Specific Organ
While life events can create illness, genetic memory also plays a critical role. For example, if a grandfather experienced betrayal before the birth of his grandson—perhaps leading to heartburn or a minor undiagnosed tumor—his brain might store this survival mechanism as a genetic pattern. When a similar event occurs in the grandson’s life, his genes recognize the situation and activate the same biological response. The body essentially says, “We’ve seen this before, and this worked for grandfather.” This inherited response can manifest as a tumor or another condition.
Why Humans Hold Onto Conflicts
Unlike animals, humans carry emotions, memories, and unresolved conflicts. For instance, a wolf that loses food to a larger predator doesn’t dwell on the loss—it moves on. Humans, however, often cling to emotions such as resentment, anger, and dark secrets, which can fester over time and create physical illness.
Even when a conflict doesn’t lead to disease, letting go of these emotional burdens is essential. Unresolved conflicts weigh on the mind and body, often resurfacing during specific life events or dates. Learning to release these emotions allows for Healing and prevents unnecessary stress on the body.
Patterns and Behaviors
Recall Healing consultations go beyond uncovering the emotional trauma behind conditions and behaviors—they provide practical tools for addressing various challenges, including:
Mental patterns: Worries, fears, anxiety, stress, and confusion.
Emotional patterns: Anger, sadness, oversensitivity, fear, etc.
Behaviors: Shyness, bad habits, and poor time management.
Relationship disharmony: Issues within couples, families, and friendships.
Self-confidence issues: Feelings of unworthiness and low self-esteem.
Lack of motivation: Struggling with laziness or connecting to a deeper purpose.
Decision-making challenges: Difficulty making clear and confident choices.
Ultimately, these patterns originate in the subconscious. Even decisions like choosing a life partner or profession are shaped by hidden factors, including personal experiences, ancestral influences, and the time spent in the womb. Letting go of these subconscious influences allows individuals to make choices that align with their authentic selves.
Recall Healing Combined with Other Therapies
Recall Healing’s greatest strength lies in diagnosing the emotional causes of illnesses and the connections it uncovers between the body, mind, and emotions. To deepen the healing process and help clients release the past while creating a brighter future, Recall Healing can be combined with other therapies, such as:
The Recall Healing method was developed by Gilbert Renaud, Ph.D., who drew inspiration from a variety of disciplines, including:
The connections between biology, the body, and the brain.
GNM and Total Biology.
The teachings of Carl Jung,
The Jewish Kabbalah,
Chinese medicine,
Yoga and other holistic treatment methods.
Elad Shalev has been fortunate to study Recall Healing under Gilbert Renaud for many years, serving as a student and an assistant. He has facilitated numerous Recall Healing workshops alongside Dr. Renaud, gaining invaluable experience applying this transformative method.
Gilbert Renaud, The founder of Recall Healing
Recall Healing Consultations
A Recall Healing Consultation begins with the patient completing a detailed questionnaire about their life events, experiences during pregnancy and time in the womb, and genetic lineage. Consultations can take place either in person or online via Zoom, offering flexibility for patients.
Recall Healing brings awareness to the subconscious emotional traumas behind conditions and behaviors. Unlike traditional therapy, it typically takes only a few sessions to achieve results, with no long-term commitment required. On average, addressing a disease or behavior takes about three to five sessions, each lasting approximately 1.5 hours.
Recall Healing is particularly effective in addressing the Subconsciousemotional causes of a wide range of conditions, including:
Cancer: Breast cancer, prostate cancer, and more.
Chronic pain: Backaches, headaches, and conditions like fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue.
Mental and emotional issues: Anxiety, stress, and other complex challenges.
Behavioral patterns: Escaping destructive habits, improving relationships, and breaking free from life-long patterns.
Active Participation of Patients
Recall Healing requires active patient participation, which may not appeal to everyone. Patients must be open and willing to explore painful emotional spaces, which can be challenging during sessions. However, connecting with these emotional spaces often leads to profound feelings of Healing, relief, and release.
The insights gained through Recall Healing help patients understand and accept their life events, relationships, and choices. This newfound awareness inspires a willingness to embrace change and create a new way of life.
A Life-Changing Experience
The subconscious mind exerts a powerful influence on our lives. Recall Healing sheds light on these hidden patterns, providing a sense of Healing, acceptance, and understanding in areas beyond the initial focus of therapy. Many patients report improvements in relationships, parenthood, childhood traumas, and other personal areas.
For many, Recall Healing is a life-changing experience. At the very least, it serves as a transformative tool, helping individuals shift their perspective on life, gain deeper self-awareness, and better understand the connection between their behaviors, illnesses, and emotional experiences.
Gilbert Renaud, the founder of Recall Healing, teaches the method worldwide. The technique is rapidly gaining popularity among alternative medicine therapists, doctors, psychiatrists, and individuals seeking a simple yet effective way to help themselves and their family members heal.
The learning process is divided into various courses that explore numerous diseases and their underlying emotional conflicts. These courses equip students with the tools to become Recall Healing practitioners or integrate Recall Healing into other therapies, such as:
Theta Healing
Medical psychology
And more
Recall Healing Consultations with Elad Shalev
Elad Shalev, Dr. Ac., offers Recall Healing consultations both in-person and online. Consultations are available at the Rebalance Acupuncture Clinic in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, or worldwide via Zoom.
Recall Healing is a complementary approach that works alongside conventional medical treatments. We do not encourage patients to stop or replace any medical protocol, treatment, or advice provided by their physician. All recommendations are intended to supplement conventional medicine, not substitute it.
In conclusion,
Recall Healing offers a transformative approach to understanding and addressing the subconscious emotional conflicts that manifest as physical or behavioral conditions. By uncovering these hidden patterns, individuals can initiate profound Healing and personal growth. Whether dealing with chronic illnesses, emotional challenges, or persistent behavioral patterns, Recall Healing provides a pathway to self-awareness and holistic well-being. To embark on this journey of Healing and transformation, consider scheduling a consultation with Elad Shalev, Dr. Ac., at Rebalance Acupuncture Edmonton. With expertise in both Recall Healing and Balance Method Acupuncture, Elad Shalev can guide you toward a healthier, more balanced life.
After reading this information, you may have some personal questions for Elad Shalev. Your questions will be addressed during the first consultation, otherwise you can email the clinic or fill out the free online questionnaire. You will receive a personal answer from Elad Shalev as soon as possible.
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About the Author
Elad Shalev
Elad Shalev, Doctor of Acupuncture Dr. Ac. Registered acupuncturist in Alberta, is the founder of Rebalance Acupuncture Edmonton. The name ReBalance comes from a combination of Recall Healing and Balance Method Acupuncture.
After practicing and teaching different types of alternative medicine over the last 20 years, Elad Shalev came to focus his work on the most effective methods from his experience. His search after healing methods that provide fast results in curing the symptoms while healing the root cause of the disease, led him to Balance method Acupuncture and Recall Healing.
The Rebalance acupuncture clinic is located in Edmonton, Canada. Online Recall Healing session are available - world wide.
Elad Shalev
Elad Shalev, Doctor of Acupuncture Dr. Ac. Registered acupuncturist in Alberta, is the founder of Rebalance Acupuncture Edmonton. The name ReBalance comes from a combination of Recall Healing and Balance Method Acupuncture.
After practicing and teaching different types of alternative medicine over the last 20 years, Elad Shalev came to focus his work on the most effective methods from his experience. His search after healing methods that provide fast results in curing the symptoms while healing the root cause of the disease, led him to Balance method Acupuncture and Recall Healing.
The Rebalance acupuncture clinic is located in Edmonton, Canada. Online Recall Healing session are available - world wide.
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