Acupuncture and Natural Treatments for Thyroid Health

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Acupuncture and Natural Treatment for the Thyroid

The thyroid gland plays a crucial role in metabolism within the body. Overactivity of the thyroid (hyperthyroidism) or reduced function (hypothyroidism) can lead to various physical and emotional challenges. Conventional thyroid therapy in modern medicine often involves medications, hormones, and long-term drug dependency. Unfortunately, these approaches may carry significant side effects and contribute to long-term imbalances. In contrast, natural thyroid treatments can support thyroid healing or reduce medication side effects effectively.

This article highlights the most effective natural methods for thyroid healing. For those with hypothyroidism, it is important to note that natural therapies are often more successful when thyroid medications have not been used for extended periods. Long-term medication use may lead to thyroid atrophy, making natural treatments less effective over time.

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What is the Thyroid Gland?

The thyroid, also known as the thyroid gland, is a butterfly-shaped gland located just beneath the Adam’s apple. Measuring approximately four to five centimeters, it has a vital function: regulating metabolism. Metabolism refers to the chemical processes in every cell of the body, and the thyroid hormones dictate the speed of these processes.

The thyroid receives its instructions from the pituitary gland, which releases thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH). TSH prompts the thyroid to produce two critical hormones: T3 and T4. The active hormone, T3, is formed by combining T4 and iodine, which we obtain through food and water.

Average Blood Test Values for Thyroid Hormones

To evaluate thyroid function, healthcare providers use blood tests with these standard ranges:

  • T4 Values: 4.6–12 mg/dL
  • TSH Values: 0.4–4.0 mu/mL

It’s important to note that these values can vary slightly depending on the medical facility or country.

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Common Thyroid Conditions

There are two primary thyroid disorders:

  1. Hyperthyroidism: Overactivity of the thyroid gland.
  2. Hypothyroidism: Reduced thyroid function.

What is Hypothyroidism?

Hypothyroidism occurs when the thyroid gland produces insufficient hormones, leading to a decline in overall body functions. Common symptoms of hypothyroidism include:

  • Weight gain despite a low appetite
  • Fatigue and weakness
  • Low blood pressure and slow pulse
  • Sensitivity to cold temperatures
  • Anemia, hair loss, and fragile nails
  • Dry, cold skin and low libido

While hypothyroidism is not life-threatening, it significantly affects the quality of life. Many individuals opt for drug treatments, unaware of natural therapy options for managing hypothyroidism.

However, drug treatments often disrupt the body’s delicate balance. The brain naturally regulates thyroid hormone secretion in response to factors such as activity, nutrition, and sleep. Medications, while helpful in stabilizing blood test results, may not eliminate symptoms of imbalance, leaving some patients still feeling unwell.

What is Hyperthyroidism?

Hyperthyroidism is the overproduction of thyroid hormones, leading to excessive metabolic activity in the body. Common symptoms of hyperthyroidism include:

  • High blood pressure and rapid heartbeat
  • Shaking and increased perspiration
  • Moist skin and sleeping difficulties
  • Nervousness and weight loss despite increased appetite
  • Diarrhea, weakness, and sensitivity to light
  • Bulging eyes (in some cases)

A primary cause of hyperthyroidism is Graves’ disease, an autoimmune disorder that causes the immune system to attack the thyroid, producing excessive hormones. Graves’ disease often presents three hallmark signs:

  1. Bulging eyes
  2. Goiter (enlarged thyroid)
  3. Swollen skin on the calves

In rare cases, untreated hyperthyroidism may lead to a life-threatening condition called a thyroid storm, where symptoms rapidly worsen and require immediate medical attention. To avoid this, conventional treatments often involve medications or surgery to bring thyroid activity closer to hypothyroidism.

Thyroid in Alternative Medicine

Alternative medicine offers effective treatments for thyroid imbalances, especially when addressed shortly after diagnosis. Natural thyroid treatments can alleviate symptoms and improve blood test results over time. In some cases, symptoms may improve before blood tests reflect these changes, which indicates progress.

In alternative medicine, the first step is identifying the root cause of the thyroid imbalance. Possible causes include:

  • Nutritional deficiencies
  • Poor hydration
  • Physical inactivity
  • Emotional or mental stress
  • Internal imbalances within the body

By addressing these underlying factors, treatments aim to restore hormonal balance naturally, potentially reducing the need for medications.

Effective Holistic Treatments for the Thyroid

Alternative medicine offers several methods to improve thyroid health, including:

  1. Acupuncture: Balances energy flow and supports thyroid function.
  2. Herbal Medicine: Addresses deficiencies and balances hormones.
  3. Dietary Adjustments: Focuses on proper iodine and nutrient intake.
  4. Lifestyle Changes: Incorporates stress management and physical activity.
  5. Emotional Healing: Identifies and treats subconscious triggers affecting thyroid health.

Combining multiple approaches often yields the best results, as they work synergistically to address thyroid dysfunction.

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Chinese Medicine for Thyroid Health

In Chinese medicine, thyroid conditions are categorized using the foundational principles of Yin and Yang:

  • Hyperthyroidism: A Yang condition characterized by warm, active energy.
  • Hypothyroidism: A Yin condition, representing cold, passive energy.

Chinese medicine tailors thyroid treatments based on these principles. Generally:

  • For hypothyroidism, treatments focus on strengthening Yang and dispersing excess Yin.
  • For hyperthyroidism, the goal is to reinforce Yin and balance an overactive Yang.

The concept of Yin and Yang extends beyond the thyroid, as every organ in the body contains both Yin and Yang energies. Often, imbalances involve a mix of excess and deficiency across multiple organs. A thorough Chinese medicine diagnosis identifies the unique patterns creating the thyroid imbalance, allowing for a holistic and personalized treatment plan.

The Connection Between the Thyroid and Emotions

In alternative medicine, thyroid health is closely linked to emotions. The throat, which houses the thyroid gland, is often considered a center where emotions accumulate. For instance:

  • Feelings of sadness, suppression, or internalization over time may contribute to hypothyroidism.
  • Prolonged emotional states of anger, irritability, or nervousness can lead to hyperthyroidism.

This connection is also evident in everyday experiences—moments of intense sadness or insult can create a sensation of tightness or suffocation in the throat. Recognizing and addressing these emotional triggers is a key aspect of natural thyroid treatment.

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Acupuncture for Thyroid Health

The recommended treatment for thyroid conditions in Chinese medicine includes a combination of acupuncture, medicinal herbs, and proper nutrition.

Each treatment is personalized based on a comprehensive diagnosis. Unlike conventional medicine, Chinese medicine does not follow a one-size-fits-all approach. Patients with the same thyroid condition may receive entirely different treatments, tailored to their unique imbalances.

In Chinese medicine, blood test results alone are insufficient for diagnosis. A thorough assessment identifies imbalances in the organs that contribute to thyroid dysfunction. Treatment focuses on addressing root causes, such as:

  • Emotional stress or unresolved conflicts
  • Poor nutrition and lifestyle habits
  • Lack of physical activity

If medication has not yet been started, the response to Chinese medicine is often faster. For patients already on medication, results may take longer, but significant improvements are still possible. Any adjustments to medication must be done under a physician’s supervision.

Case Study: Balance Method Acupuncture for Hypothyroidism

Lisa, a 39-year-old mother of three with a high-stress job in a computer company, sought treatment after experiencing weight gain, fatigue, and mental fog despite regular exercise and a healthy diet.

Blood tests confirmed hypothyroidism, and her doctor recommended taking Eltroxin, a thyroid medication. After researching potential dependency from long-term medication use, Lisa decided to try alternative treatment first, with her physician’s approval.

Diagnosis and Treatment
A Chinese medicine diagnosis revealed weaknesses in Lisa’s spleen and kidneys, along with internal dampness in her digestive system. Her treatment plan included:

  • Acupuncture to boost metabolism and balance the thyroid
  • Medicinal herbs to strengthen the digestive system and eliminate dampness
  • Nutritional adjustments to support hormonal balance

After a few weeks, Lisa began losing weight, regained energy, and felt more vibrant. After three months of treatment, her blood tests showed balanced thyroid hormone levels, eliminating the need for medication.

Recall Healing for Thyroid Problems

The thyroid and hormonal health are intricately linked to our mental and emotional states. According to Recall Healing, diseases originate in the subconscious mind as a biological solution to unresolved emotional conflicts.

The Subconscious and Emotional Roots
Recall Healing works by uncovering the subconscious causes of illness. The thyroid, for instance, is linked to themes of rhythm, time, and protection:

  • Hypothyroidism: Often associated with conflicts like a desire to “slow down time” to remain fertile or avoid aging.
  • Hyperthyroidism: May stem from feelings of regret, such as “I should have been faster,” as in a man who couldn’t reach his mother in time before her passing.

Through guided conversation and a detailed questionnaire, Recall Healing explores critical life events, including:

  • Childhood experiences
  • Events around conception and birth
  • Family history and significant life milestones

The Healing Process
Once the subconscious conflict is identified, the body often begins to restore balance. Combining Recall Healing with acupuncture or naturopathy enhances the effectiveness of thyroid treatments.

Challenges of Recall Healing
The process requires patients to confront potentially uncomfortable emotional memories. However, for those open to the experience, it can be a transformative part of thyroid treatment.

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A Case Study: Addressing Hypothyroidism Through Recall Healing

Robert, a 58-year-old man, visited the clinic after being diagnosed with hypothyroidism a few weeks earlier. His doctor had recommended starting Eltroxin, but Robert hesitated, concerned about becoming dependent on the medication. Over the past few months, he had experienced fatigue, weight gain, reduced motivation, and feelings of mild depression.

At first glance, Robert’s life appeared to be free of major stress or dramatic events. However, upon deeper exploration, one recurring issue emerged: his wife’s inability to drive.

Uncovering the Root Conflict

Robert’s wife played an important role at her company and often worked late. Every evening, Robert had to drive her to and from work. She was frequently late, leaving him sitting in the car, waiting. The situation was even more frustrating when they attended social events, as they were often late—a sharp contrast to Robert’s punctual nature.

Although this daily routine caused him significant distress, Robert suppressed his emotions, feeling powerless to change the situation. Over time, this unresolved emotional conflict built up within him. According to Recall Healing principles, his brain interpreted the ongoing stress as a signal to “slow him down,” resulting in the physical manifestation of hypothyroidism.

Resolving the Conflict

Through Recall Healing sessions, Robert began to address his emotions surrounding time and his feelings of helplessness. He identified similar inner conflicts from earlier in life, connecting patterns of emotional suppression to his current condition.

By openly discussing these suppressed feelings, Robert released the inner tension his body had been holding. Over the course of a few sessions, his blood tests returned to normal, and his symptoms of fatigue, weight gain, and low motivation disappeared. His brain no longer needed to store the conflict in his body, allowing his thyroid function to heal naturally.

The Transformative Power of Recall Healing

Robert’s case demonstrates how emotional stress and unresolved conflicts can directly impact thyroid health. By combining Recall Healing with a willingness to confront difficult emotions, it’s possible to release subconscious tensions and restore the body’s natural balance.

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Naturopathy for Thyroid Treatment

Naturopathy, combined with proper nutrition, plays a significant role in natural thyroid treatment. Many patients report that certain foods can influence their thyroid symptoms—both positively and negatively. While general nutrition recommendations for thyroid conditions are shared below, consulting a naturopath is highly advisable for personalized guidance.

Naturopathy is particularly effective for thyroid health because it focuses on the connection between nutrition, vitamins, supplements, and medicinal herbs. For example, in cases of hypothyroidism, foods and supplements containing iodine, such as algae, may be recommended to address iodine deficiencies that contribute to the condition.

Many individuals with hypothyroidism struggle with weight gain and find it difficult to lose weight until the thyroid gland is balanced. However, nutritional therapy often requires long-term commitment to see results, making it beneficial to combine it with other treatment methods, such as acupuncture or emotional healing.

Naturopathy goes beyond alleviating symptoms; it aims to address the root cause of thyroid dysfunction. By treating the person holistically rather than focusing solely on the disease, naturopathy fosters profound and long-lasting improvements in overall health and well-being.

Medical Treatment for Hypothyroidism

In Western medicine,  hypothyroidism is commonly treated with artificial hormones such as Eltroxin to replace those the thyroid gland would naturally secrete. While this approach restores hormonal balance, it often leads to gland degeneration over time, especially when taken in high doses. This can create lifelong dependency on the medication.

Chemical medications may also impact other organs, such as the liver, which is responsible for breaking down these substances.

The natural thyroid hormone secretion process involves the brain continuously monitoring blood hormone levels and adjusting production through the TSH hormone. This dynamic process cannot be mimicked by medication, as drugs deliver a fixed dose regardless of the body’s fluctuating needs.

As a result, some patients on medication experience normal blood test results but continue to feel hypothyroid symptoms. For these individuals, combining alternative medicine therapies with medication may help address unresolved symptoms and improve overall well-being.

Medical Treatment for Hyperthyroidism

In severe cases of hyperthyroidism where prescription medications fail to provide relief, Western medicine often recommends drastic measures. These include:

  1. Radioactive Iodine Therapy: Used to destroy the thyroid gland.
  2. Surgical Removal: The thyroid is surgically removed.

While these methods effectively stop overactive thyroid function, they result in permanent hypothyroidism, requiring lifelong hormone replacement therapy. Despite these drawbacks, these treatments are considered safer options for extreme hyperthyroid conditions.

From a natural treatment perspective, hyperthyroidism often responds more quickly to alternative therapies. Unless the condition is critical, it is recommended to try natural treatments first to avoid irreversible medical interventions.

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Nutritional Recommendations for the Thyroid

Nutrition For Hyperthyroidism:

To help manage hyperthyroidism, avoid foods that stimulate heat and energy in the body, such as:

  • Oily, spicy, or deep-fried dishes
  • Alcohol, caffeine, and energy drinks (e.g., Red Bull)
  • Dairy products and preserved or processed foods

Additionally, avoid iodine-rich foods like fish and algae. Instead, focus on foods that naturally inhibit thyroid function, such as:

  • Cruciferous vegetables: cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, turnip, kohlrabi
  • Soy and soy products
  • Millet, pine nuts, and mustard

Nutrition For Hypothyroidism:

When managing hypothyroidism, avoid foods that produce dampness and cool the body, including:

  • Dairy products, white flour, and white sugar
  • Cold or raw fruits and vegetables
  • Processed and preserved foods

While avoiding gland-inhibiting foods like cruciferous vegetables, soy, and mustard, focus on consuming iodine-rich options such as fish and algae. Additionally, incorporate vitamins and minerals like:

  • Vitamins: B, C, A, E
  • Minerals: Zinc and Selenium

Always consult with your naturopath or therapist to tailor nutritional changes to your specific needs.

Physical Activity for the Thyroid

For Hypothyroidism:
Physical activity is essential to stimulate metabolism and improve energy levels. Recommended exercises include:

  • Brisk walking, running, or swimming
  • Aerobic activities that boost circulation and metabolism

Be mindful not to over-exert yourself, as excessive activity can lead to fatigue.

For Hyperthyroidism:
Engage in activities that help release excess energy while promoting relaxation, such as:

  • Running, swimming, or other cardio exercises
  • Gentle practices like Yoga, Qi Gong, or meditation

A balanced routine combining active and calming exercises can significantly support your thyroid function.


Natural thyroid treatments offer a holistic approach to restoring balance and addressing the root causes of thyroid dysfunction. Whether through acupuncture, naturopathy, emotional healing, or physical activity, these treatments are designed to treat the whole person—mind, body, and spirit.

For those with hypothyroidism, natural treatments can stimulate metabolism, improve energy, and alleviate symptoms like fatigue and weight gain. Meanwhile, for hyperthyroidism, therapies can help calm the body, regulate hormone production, and reduce overstimulation.

Nutrition plays a foundational role in thyroid health, and small but consistent dietary changes can yield profound results over time. Complementing these changes with regular physical activity ensures a well-rounded approach to supporting your thyroid.

By exploring natural treatment options, you empower yourself to take control of your health and work toward long-lasting balance. While it may require patience and commitment, the benefits extend far beyond symptom relief—you’ll likely experience improved vitality, mental clarity, and overall well-being.

We hope this article has inspired you to explore the wealth of natural treatments available. We wish you success and a full recovery on your journey to optimal thyroid health!

Acupuncture and Natural Treatments for Thyroid Health

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About the Author

Picture of Elad Shalev

Elad Shalev

Elad Shalev, Doctor of Acupuncture Dr. Ac. Registered acupuncturist in Alberta, is the founder of Rebalance Acupuncture Edmonton. The name ReBalance comes from a combination of Recall Healing and Balance Method Acupuncture.

After practicing and teaching different types of alternative medicine over the last 20 years, Elad Shalev came to focus his work on the most effective methods from his experience. His search after healing methods that provide fast results in curing the symptoms while healing the root cause of the disease, led him to Balance method Acupuncture and Recall Healing.

The Rebalance acupuncture clinic is located in Edmonton, Canada. Online Recall Healing session are available - world wide.

Picture of Elad Shalev

Elad Shalev

Elad Shalev, Doctor of Acupuncture Dr. Ac. Registered acupuncturist in Alberta, is the founder of Rebalance Acupuncture Edmonton. The name ReBalance comes from a combination of Recall Healing and Balance Method Acupuncture.

After practicing and teaching different types of alternative medicine over the last 20 years, Elad Shalev came to focus his work on the most effective methods from his experience. His search after healing methods that provide fast results in curing the symptoms while healing the root cause of the disease, led him to Balance method Acupuncture and Recall Healing.

The Rebalance acupuncture clinic is located in Edmonton, Canada. Online Recall Healing session are available - world wide.

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