Recall Healing Holocaust – Ancestral Patterns & Illness

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The Holocaust, Ancestral Patterns and Illness

It is essential and proper to understand your own ancestor’s stories. No matter your background, it is a big part of your unconscious brain. Many of your decisions and choices in life, most of your patterns and behaviors, as well as some of your health conditions, are related to your family lineage. Having worked with the Recall Healing Holocaust Method with descendants of holocaust survivors, I could see in my clinic how the Holocaust significantly affects the many generations today connected to individuals directly impacted by this event. The implications are evident from a health, behavioral, and psychological perspective.

Recall Healing is a consultation method based on scientific principles and biology. It works to identify and solve the traumas stored in the subconscious, ‘recalling’ them with the Recall Healing practitioner’s aid. This process allows the healing and transformation of various illnesses, behaviors, and conditions.

Click here to read more about Recall Healing.

This article will demonstrate the significant personal and health implications of the Holocaust and the second world war for the descendants and families of holocaust survivors. It will also provide case studies with the Recall Healing Method applied.

The “side effects” of your ancestors’ trauma

While working with the descendants of Jews who had survived the Holocaust, I also got the chance to give Recall Healing consultations to descendants from Germany and other countries in Europe affected by the war.

The traumas that people experienced on both sides of World War Two still exist in individuals’ subconscious. Many diseases, patterns, and behaviors that manifest in individuals who are indirectly connected to the Holocaust can be linked back to the traumas experienced by their ancestors.

Various illnesses like cancer, digestive problems, anxiety, domestic violence, fears, and difficulties manifest in individuals who are 2nd, 3rd, or 4th generation from the holocaust survivor. The individual is often unaware of what happened to their ancestors 70 years ago.

Why does the brain store traumas?

Traumas and experiences remain in our subconscious and are passed down through generations, directly affecting our behavior, nervous system, thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. This is true even if we never consciously learned of the incident. Only by bringing awareness to the trauma in the subconscious and letting it come up can we and our genetic line truly become free of it.

From a biological perspective, every trauma suffered by a person is passed on to their offspring, intending that future generations will remember and know how to cope with the same trauma or similar traumas that may happen to them. This is also based on epigenetics studies. When the trauma passes through the generations, how the ancestors coped with the trauma also gives. Why does “nature” think this is good? Because it worked – the ancestors survived, and YOU are the living proof…

Why does the Holocaust have even “stronger” side effects on our bodies and brain?

In Recall Healing, we know that every experience of trauma, death, loss of a child, or illness in the family is preserved as genetic memory. Still, there is something very different about the experience of the Holocaust. The Holocaust threatens the entire family, nation, and genetic group. It threatens all the property, memories, and lifestyle, and there seems to be no way out for a long time. In other words, it is much more dramatic than a “normal” death or tragedy in the family. So, our survival brain and our genes will not let us forget it so quickly.

The experience of the Holocaust is expressed in the descendants of Holocaust survivors in many forms; diseases, certain forms of behavior, nutrition choices, choice of relationship and profession, etc. There are many examples of people whose illnesses were associated with the Holocaust, such as Celiac disease, shingles, joint diseases, obesity, anxiety, financial problems, learning difficulties, etc.

Case Studies of Holocaust Survivors’ Descendants.

Celiac Disease

Susan is in her fifties, and she has Celiac disease with an extreme sensitivity to even a crumb of bread or any form of gluten. In Recall Healing, Celiac’s prevalent underlying emotional cause is connected to a trauma related to bread or wheat. Similarly to other allergies, the brain connects the drama with the presence of bread or gluten.

Susan was named after her grandmother, which creates a robust ancestral connection. Her grandmother was a holocaust survivor, and digging up some family history; we found a fascinating story:

Her grandmother, Susan, was a young Jewish woman living in a concentration camp. They were given a small portion of bread to sustain themselves, which she had to divide between her children, mother, herself, and her husband, who escaped the Nazis, hid with his family, and wasn’t considered in the minimal bread allowance.

Every day, Susan had to experience the drama of dividing the minimal bread rations, seeing everybody starving. Eventually, her mother died from starvation, and in her mind, she was to blame as she had rationed the bread. For her brain, this suffering was linked to the presence of bread and gluten.

When my client, Susan, realized the connection between the story and her Celiac disease, she became emotional, connecting to this unbelievable pain. In her subconscious – bread, wheat, and gluten were “bad” things related to death and suffering. The next day after the session, she tried to eat some bread (her own decision), and she did not react at all – Her brain cured her Celiac disease.


A 32- year-old woman came with pain in the wrist she had had for the past year. A doctor had diagnosed her as having arthritis. After trying various medications, she came to see me for acupuncture. At the initial diagnosis, she realized that her arm pain had started at the age of thirty-one, the same age that her grandmother died in the Holocaust, almost the only information she had about her. This realization allowed her brain to release the conflict in her subconscious, and she healed from her arthritis in one session.

How to heal ancestral patterns?

When treating an ancestor’s pattern with Recall Healing, a connection is made between someone’s experience in the lineage to the emotional conflict related to a disease or pattern. The letting-go can be very fast as if the brain understands: “Oh, it’s not mine. It’s my grandfather’s.” In Recall Healing, there is a subconscious belief or conflict behind every illness. We use a framework to identify the pattern of conflict and where it exists in the patient’s life.

Secrets in the Family

In Recall Healing, we recommend not keeping secrets in the family. Although it can be hard to talk about these events, saving them an enigma won’t protect the descendant. Because their brain remembers what happened unconsciously, secrets make the conflict worse and harder to access and heal.

For example, A man in his fifties came to me to treat shingles. He said that all his life, he felt he was not free enough. It damaged his relationships with his wife and children and various places like the university, workplaces, etc. We found a story that he was named after his grandfather. His grandfather, wife, and children had hidden underground from the Nazis during the war. One day his grandfather had enough, and he went out to look for food. The Nazies killed him. So this conflict of “wanting to be free- but it will hurt me, or my family” was passed on to his grandchild. This man lived all his life in this manner even though he learned about his grandfather’s incident just a few years earlier. In making the connection, his brain healed his shingles in one session.

Typical Pattern in Holocaust Survivors’ Descendents.

“End of the world” – Another thing that I noted in cases of Holocaust survivors’ descendants is a very existential fear, a fear that “suddenly everything will end,” or that “suddenly everything will be taken from me,” as the “End of The World.”  This fear may cause a person to live a mediocre life without living up to the maximum of their capability in wealth, happiness, or fulfillment, to succeed in a relationship, in businesses, etc. The underlying belief structure is something like, “If I will, there will be much to lose… in this case, the fear of falling is stronger than the desire to “stand up.”

General anxiety or Paranoia is also widespread. Your brain is warning you that it can happen again at any moment. So you can’t trust anyone or anything.

A feeling of lack or fear from lack of food, family warmth, etc. – is also very common. Even if you don’t have a physical shortage of these things in your life, you may still feel as if you do.

In all of these cases, if we realize that it is a genetic fear that does not belong to us now, our brains will let go of that. Then, we can pass through the experiences of our lives more healthily physically, mentally, and emotionally. That is also what our ancestors would have wanted for us.

Click here to read more about Recall Healing.

For people outside the Edmonton area: Click here for an online Recall Healing consultation.

Recall Healing Holocaust – Ancestral Patterns & Illness

Recall Healing - Ancestral Patterns & Illness
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About the Author

Picture of Elad Shalev

Elad Shalev

Elad Shalev, Doctor of Acupuncture Dr. Ac. Registered acupuncturist in Alberta, is the founder of Rebalance Acupuncture Edmonton. The name ReBalance comes from a combination of Recall Healing and Balance Method Acupuncture.

After practicing and teaching different types of alternative medicine over the last 20 years, Elad Shalev came to focus his work on the most effective methods from his experience. His search after healing methods that provide fast results in curing the symptoms while healing the root cause of the disease, led him to Balance method Acupuncture and Recall Healing.

The Rebalance acupuncture clinic is located in Edmonton, Canada. Online Recall Healing session are available - world wide.

Picture of Elad Shalev

Elad Shalev

Elad Shalev, Doctor of Acupuncture Dr. Ac. Registered acupuncturist in Alberta, is the founder of Rebalance Acupuncture Edmonton. The name ReBalance comes from a combination of Recall Healing and Balance Method Acupuncture.

After practicing and teaching different types of alternative medicine over the last 20 years, Elad Shalev came to focus his work on the most effective methods from his experience. His search after healing methods that provide fast results in curing the symptoms while healing the root cause of the disease, led him to Balance method Acupuncture and Recall Healing.

The Rebalance acupuncture clinic is located in Edmonton, Canada. Online Recall Healing session are available - world wide.

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